
Mindfulness Matters

A Newsletter from the UVA Mindfulness Center

All Stories

Mindfulness for Law Students

by Susanna Williams In addition to offering Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction classes, the Mindfulness Center also creates programs that integrate mindfulness into various disciplines.  For the past two years, the University…

UVA Specialty and Primary Care/Integrative Medicine Clinic on Pantops

UVA has opened a new office, the Specialty and Primary Care/Integrative Medicine Clinic Pantops, located at 650 Peter Jefferson Parkway in Charlottesville. This is UVA’s first multipdiscipilinary and integrative medicine…

Contemplative Learning and Research in Higher Education

2015 Workshop A Contemplative Learning and Research in Higher Education workshop was held at UVa on May 25 and was well-attended, with participants coming from multiple states as far south…

A Mindfulness Day Long Retreat

"Listening to Life" You are invited to a day-long mindfulness retreat on August 1st, “Listening to Life,” sponsored by the Insight Meditation Community of Charlottesville and led by Susan Stone,…

Participation in a Course on Buddhist Meditation Was Associated with Improvements in College Students’ Psychological Well-Being

Professors David Germano and Kurtis Schaeffer of the Department of Religious Studies and the Contemplative Sciences Center at the University of Virginia have developed a new course for undergraduates called…

Mindfulness Center Update

The Mindfulness Center has had a very successful year.  As part of the University of Virginia, the Center is on an academic calendar, and our fiscal year ended on June…