
Mindfulness Matters

A Newsletter from the UVA Mindfulness Center

All Stories

New! Mindfulness Training for Teachers and Educators

A large body of research has shown the value of bringing mindfulness and other meditative practices (such as yoga) into the educational arena. Being a teacher (or parent) requires a…

Science and Practice

As meditation and mindfulness practice are increasingly shown to have multiple positive impacts on us – from improving memory and concentration to strengthening our connection to those we live and…

Mindful Writing

This 6-week workshop explores the powerful nature of applying mindfulness to the process of writing. Each class begins with a short guided meditation, and the writing emerges from that. Building…

Silent Retreat: A Day of Mindfulness

A free all-day silent retreat for current and past students of the Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction and Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy programs. Dates: Saturday Teresa Miller course — 1/07 –…

Meditation Boosts Immune System

Reprinted from Web MD 6 Immune System Busters and Boosters Everyone has some stress; it's part of life. If stress drags on for a long time, it makes you more…

MBSR Testimonials

  “You gave me the gift of a lifetime.” “This class truly is the perfect complement to therapy.” “I learned a lot about myself and how my conditioning and need for control…