
Mindfulness Matters

A Newsletter from the UVA Mindfulness Center

All Stories

Integrating Mindfulness Into Various Disciplines

Mindfulness for Law Students In addition to offering Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction classes, the Mindfulness Center also creates programs that integrate mindfulness into various disciplines.  For the past two years, the…

Moving Beyond Ordinary Wellness: A new Pradigm for Full-Spectrum Living

A workshop for helping professionals and others interested in personal wellbeing and greater health for the community On June 26 & 27 a workshop entitled Moving Beyond Ordinary Wellness:  A new paradigm…

Contemplative Learning and Research in Higher Education

This workshop is an opportunity for individuals with an interest in the field of contemplative learning and research to meet and explore common interests. This workshop is offered with the…

Mindfulness Reconnect Class for MBSR graduates to be Offered Starting May 7

Mindfulness Reconnect Over 1000 people have now taken Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction through the UVa Mindfulness Center. If you are among those who have taken MBSR and would like to…

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is a practice-based, interactive learning program. Research shows MBSR to be an effective complement to a wide variety of medical and psychological conditions. These include…

The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness

Noted Neuropsychologist, New York Times Best-Selling Author and Meditation Teacher Rick Hanson, Ph.D. to Speak at UVA on April 24 His books include Hardwiring Happiness, Buddha’s Brain, Just One Thing,…