
Category: Monthly Musings

Mindful Writing


This 6-week workshop explores the powerful nature of applying mindfulness to the process of writing. Each class begins with a short guided meditation, and the writing emerges from that. Building…

Meditation Boosts Immune System


Reprinted from Web MD 6 Immune System Busters and Boosters Everyone has some stress; it's part of life. If stress drags on for a long time, it makes you more…

Walk Slowly


It only takes a reminder to breathe, a moment to be still, and just like that, something in me settles, softens, makes space for imperfection. The harsh voice of judgment…

Words of Wisdom


“Nothing gives one person so much advantage over another as to remain always cool and unruffled under all circumstances.” Thomas Jefferson

New Course Offered: Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy


A new 8-week course offered by the Mindfulness Center, MBCT integrates mindfulness practices similar to those taught in MBSR with other skills adapted from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy into a course…

Susan Stone Mindfulness Video


Please be sure to watch Susan Stone's wonderful new video on mindfulness and MBSR which includes a guided meditation. It is also posted on the Mindfulness Center website. We would…

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy


Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) is a mindfulness-based intervention designed to help individuals who have suffered serious depression to learn skills that decrease the likelihood of depression coming back. Research studies…

Update on Summer Classes


MBSR Classes Space is still available for this 8-week summer MBSR class. Instructor: Teresa Miller Dates: July 15-Sept 2 Time: 12:00-2:30 pm Location: A Place to Breathe Daylong Retreats For…

New Video on Mindfulness Practice and UVA Center Offerings


Mike Silverman of Silver Streak Media has just produced an amazing video that captures in less than three minutes the essence of what we do at the Mindfulness Center. Mike volunteered…

Mindful Writing


The first 2014 Mindful Writing class led by Susanna Williams was a 6-week workshop developed in response to participants in former Mindful Writing Classes who, once they learned of the…