
Category: News and Notes

Sitting Meditation


 “Inviting our thoughts and feelings into awareness allows us to learn from them rather than be driven by them.” -Daniel J. Siegel  When we choose to try a sitting meditation, we are making a special time and place for non-doing in our lives. The regular practice of sitting meditation provides the opportunity to wake up to this moment, the only moment we truly have.  Our lives move at such a hectic pace that it can become a blur of lived but un-noticed moments.  It can be as if we are sleep walking through life, moving in a type of automaticity, not noticing how we really feel, what we really think, how we truly want to live. The days can become weeks, the weeks can become months, the months can become years and before we realize it, much time has passed, and we have missed most of our life.  Mindfulness is waking up to the present moment on purpose without judgement.  It is setting our intention to pay attention and then focusing our attention and observing the underlying attitudes that show up.  It’s about letting go – letting go of expectations and letting the present moment be as it is. It’s about developing patience and openness towards ourselves with kindness and curiosity, being aware of the tendency to push to achieve an outcome or to resist those experiences that are unpleasant. It’s about the tendency to judge.

News and Notes


Put your New Year’s resolutions into action by taking a mindfulness course through the Mindfulness Center.  The Mindfulness Center will be offering a wide range of courses starting in January…

Research Update


Participation in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Is Associated with Protection from Harmful Outcomes  Mindfulness has become a common method for reducing stress-related and some physical symptoms. As mindfulness programs have become…

News and Notes


Put your New Year’s resolutions into action by taking a mindfulness course through the Mindfulness Center.  The Mindfulness Center will be offering a wide range of courses starting in January…

Research Update


The Less You Judge, the Better You Sleep: The Benefits of Mindfulness and Forgiveness for Insomnia and Sleep Problems Rumination can play an important role in sleep problems, including insomnia…

News and Notes


New Unwinding Anxiety Course to Be Offered Starting in January Monday, January 16 - February 20, 5:30 pm- 7 pm This 6-week, 90-minute Zoom class taught by Cawood Fitzhugh focuses…

News and Notes


The Mindfulness Center Will Be Offering a Holiday Pause Every Monday in December December 5,12,19,26 from 5:30 pm - 6:15pm Need a little reset?  Treat yourself to a pause for…

Research Update


Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Versus Medication for the Treatment of Anxiety Disorders Anxiety disorders are common. They can be highly distressing and interfere with functioning.  Mindfulness-based interventions, such as mindfulness-based stress…

News and Notes


Fall Mindfulness Classes Underway The Mindfulness Center Fall courses have begun.  One class is already underway: Mindfulness for Healthcare Employees, taught by Matt Goodman. Mindfulness for Healthcare Employees is being…

Research Update


The Impact of Brief Mindfulness Training on Interception Interception refers to the brain's representation of sensations originating within the body, including many sensations associated with emotions. How these signals are…