
9/5/24 issue

Celebrating Women in Medicine Month


Each September, we join the medical profession to commemorate Women in Medicine Month — a time to celebrate all women and highlight those who are making their mark toward our…

Category: Community

Celebrating women in medicine month.

Research in Motion: Jay Fox, PhD


Years ago, when I arrived at the University of Virginia, my research was focused on discovering toxins in snake venoms that give rise to the hemorrhage associated with snake bites.…

Category: Research

Jay Fox, PhD

Thomas Loughran, MD, and Aakrosh Ratan, PhD, Awarded $3.4 Million to Study Genomic Architecture of Large Granular Lymphocytic Leukemia


Thomas P. Loughran Jr., MD, director of the UVA Comprehensive Cancer Center, and Aakrosh Ratan, PhD, associate professor in the Department of Genome Sciences, have been awarded a five-year, $3.4…

Category: Research

(From left) Thomas P. Loughran Jr., MD, and Aakrosh Ratan, PhD

Tajie Harris, PhD, Awarded $2.6 Million to Study How the Immune System Benefits the Brain


Tajie Harris, PhD, an associate professor in the Department of Neuroscience, was awarded a five-year $2.6 million grant from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, titled “Caspase-8 mediated…

Category: Research

Tajie Harris, PhD

Synthetic Blood Platelets Might Be as Good as the Real Thing to Stop Bleeding


SelSym, a company co-founded by University of Virginia biomedical engineering professor Thomas Barker, PhD, is developing a product to stop uncontrolled bleeding caused by traumatic injury or surgery. Findings published…

Category: Research


One Team United on Access — Did You Know? Primary Care Physician Panel Sizes Are Risk Adjusted


In determining the Primary Care Physician (PCP) panel size, UVA Health used the American Medical Group Association (AMGA) 2023 National Panel Size Academic Benchmark and methodology to determine the targets…

Category: Clinical

One Team United on Access, Did You Know ? Graphic

Clinical Compensation Plan — Question of the Week: Is there a Safety Corridor Built Into the Compensation Plan?


Question: Is there a safety corridor built into the compensation plan? Answer: Yes. Clinical faculty will begin to be eligible for incentive payments after reaching 80% of the clinical wRVU…

Category: Clinical

Clinical Compensation Plan Graphic - Question of the Week

Scott Zeitlin, PhD, Advances Understanding and Treatment of Huntington’s Disease


Since UVA neuroscientists discovered the link between the brain and the immune system in 2015, researchers across UVA Health and worldwide have been investigating ways of leveraging this connection to…

Category: Philanthropy

Scott Zeitlin, PhD

Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program Welcomes 73 New Graduate Students


UVA Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program (BIMS) students have been hard at work over the summer attending conferences all over the world, setting up committee meetings, completing experiments at the bench,…

Category: Education

BIMS graduate students attend welcome social.

Third Summer of Success for the UVA Comprehensive Cancer Center STRIVE Program


The UVA Comprehensive Cancer Center’s Short-Term Research Initiative for Visiting Educators (STRIVE) program enjoyed a third year of success this summer. The program invites professors from historically Black colleges and…

Category: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion


Kimberly Kelly, PhD, Named Editor-in-Chief for Molecular Imaging and Biology Journal


After an international search, Kimberly Kelly, PhD, a professor of biomedical engineering at the UVA School of Medicine and UVA School of Engineering, has been named Editor-in-Chief of the journal…

Category: Honors & Awards


Jim Zimring, MD, PhD, Receives Tibor Greenwalt Memorial Award for Contributions to Transfusion Medicine


The Association for the Advancement of Blood and Biotherapies (AABB) has selected James Zimring, MD, PhD, as the recipient of the 2024 Tibor Greenwalt Memorial Award and Lectureship. Dr. Zimring…

Category: Honors & Awards

James Zimring, MD, PhD

Committee on Women in Medicine and Science Honors Nora Kern, MD, as the September Woman of the Month


The Committee on Women in Medicine and Science celebrates Urology Awareness Month this September and is honored to spotlight the work of Nora Kern, MD, an associate professor in the…

Category: Faculty


Forbes Rates UVA Health Among America’s Best Employers for Women


National business publication Forbes has ranked UVA Health among America’s 50 best employers for women and in the top 15 among health systems nationwide. UVA Health is rated No. 40…

Category: Community

UVA Health Hospital Tower

JoAnn Pinkerton, MD, Featured in More Than 100 Outlets Nationwide About New Potential Treatment for Hot Flashes


JoAnn Pinkerton, MD, a professor of obstetrics and gynecology and director of the UVA Midlife Health Center, was featured in over 100 national outlets, including U.S. News & World Report,…

Category: Media Highlights

Joann Pinkerton, MD, at the University of Virginia School of Medicine

Girl Power Gurus Podcast Features Dean Melina Kibbe, MD


The August episode of the Girl Power Gurus podcast features Dean Melina Kibbe, MD, discussing why she became a vascular surgeon, sex disparities in research, advice for young women considering…

Category: Media Highlights

Melina Kibbe, MD

Kyle Enfield, MD, and William Petri, MD, PhD, Monkeypox News Briefing Covered by Media Outlets Across Virginia and in USA Today


UVA Department of Medicine's Kyle Enfield, MD, a pulmonary critical care specialist, and William Petri, MD, PhD, an infectious diseases expert, discussed the monkeypox (mpox) outbreak in Africa at a…

Category: Media Highlights

(From left) Kyle Enfield, MD, and William Petri, MD