2024 UVA Brain Symposium Hosts Over 300 Neuroscience Researchers
Over 300 neuroscience researchers including UVA faculty, undergraduate, graduate, and medical students, postdoctoral researchers, staff, and community partners gathered last week at the UVA Contemplative Commons building for the 2024…
Category: Featured
Research in Motion: Marc Breton, PhD
I'm a professor in the School of Medicine at the Center for Diabetes Technology, and I focus on finding new solutions that leverage technology to manage diabetes. — Marc Breton,…
Category: Research
Bradford Worrall, MD, a Harrison Distinguished Teaching Professor of Neurology and Public Health Sciences and vice-chair for Clinical Research of Neurology, and Keith Keene, PhD, a professor in the Department…
Category: Research
Anna Cliffe, PhD, an associate professor in the Department of Microbiology, Immunology, and Cancer Biology, was awarded a $2.7 million R01 grant from the National Institutes of Health for a…
Category: Research
Hear How Health Innovators Avoid Getting ‘Lost in Translation’
Translational research can be full of twists and turns. In the debut podcast of the Wallace H. Coulter Center for Translational Research at the University of Virginia, David Chen, founding managing director, talks…
Category: Research
When UVA Health applies the Vizient benchmark for New Patient Access within 14 Calendar Days, UVA is below the 25 percentile. United on Access was designed to allow us to…
Category: Clinical
Question: What mission areas will each department be expected to provide incentive payment criteria for? Answer: Each department will create an incentive plan to recognize work and achievement in the…
Category: Clinical
Academy for Excellence in Education Inducts 12 New Members in 2024
The Academy for Excellence in Education (AEE) was founded to build an inclusive learning community of educators and to foster and honor educational excellence across the UVA School of Medicine.…
Category: Education
Forbes Ranks UVA Health Among America’s Best Employers for Diversity
National business publication Forbes has rated UVA Health among America’s best employers for diversity and among the top 10 health systems nationwide. UVA Health ranked No. 106 overall and No.…
Category: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Department of Neurosurgery Hosts Symposium for Middle School Students
On Monday, April 29, 2024, third-year neurosurgery resident Cleresa Roberts, MD, MBA, and Ashok Asthagiri, MD, spearheaded a symposium hosted by the UVA Department of Neurosurgery aimed at attracting and motivating…
Category: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Siobhan Statuta, MD, Named a Team Physician for U.S. Women’s Soccer Team at 2024 World Cup
Siobhan Statuta, MD, a Harrison Distinguished Teaching Associate Professor of Family Medicine, has been designated one of the team physicians for the U-20 U.S. Women's Soccer Team at the 2024…
Category: Honors & Awards
UVA Health Earns High Praise from Becker’s Hospital Review
Becker's Hospital Review, a premier magazine delivering insights into hospital business news and analysis for healthcare executives, has spotlighted notable achievements within the UVA Health System. Becker's highlighted findings from…
Category: Honors & Awards
In Memoriam: Honoring Edward T. Wood, Sr., MD
The UVA School of Medicine community is saddened by the recent passing of Edward T. Wood, Sr., MD ’57. Wood, who was born in Lexington, Va., in 1932, earned his…
Category: Alumni
Department of Neuroscience Takes Center Stage at Popular Local Science Festival
Volunteers from the University of Virginia School of Medicine's Neuroscience Graduate Program and the Department of Neuroscience took center stage at Kid*Vention, a beloved local science festival. Their Brain Awareness…
Category: Community
UVA Health Honors Its Physicians by Donating to Food Bank, Food Pantry
To celebrate National Doctors’ Day and honor its physicians for their outstanding care and service, UVA Health has donated $15,000 each to both the Blue Ridge Area Food Bank…
Category: Community
JoAnn Pinkerton, MD, Talks to The Washington Post About Menopause
JoAnn Pinkerton, MD, the Mamie A. Jessup Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology and division director of Midlife Health at the University of Virginia, recently spoke with The Washington Post about…
Category: Media Highlights