
Category: News and Notes

MB- PEAPOD: A New Mindfulness Study at UVa to Reduce Excess Weight Gain and Stress among Pregnant Women


Pregnancy is a time when weight gain is expected, yet studies show that nearly half of all women in the US gain an amount in excess of recommended guidelines.   Women…

Mindfulness Can Help Reduce Burnout among Physicians


An analysis of interventions to reduce burnout among physicians was recently published in the British medical journal The Lancet. The authors, from the Mayo Clinic, included 52 published studies in…

Changes in Mindfulness and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms Among Veterans Enrolled in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction


Studies suggest that Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction may be helpful in treating posttraumatic stress disorder in veterans, and that individuals who participate in MBSR may have significant improvements in PTSD…

Compassion Training Alters Altruism and Neural Responses to Suffering


Compassion is caring about and wanting to help those who are suffering and can motivate altruistic behavior. In this study, investigators from the University of Wisconsin Center for Investigating Healthy…

Mindfulness and Its Efficacy for Psychological and Biological Responses in Women with Breast Cancer


Investigators in Sweden conducted a study of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) among women with breast cancer. The primary purpose was to determine the impact of MBSR on mood disorders in…

Day-Long Retreat


Finding Your Heart's Natural Balance Our days are often filled with hours of feeling separate, a squeezing of the heart, and only moments of wholeness and inner balance. Finding the…

Both Mindfulness Meditation and Loving-Kindness Meditation Increase Positive Emotion


Barbara Fredrickson and colleagues conducted two studies with a total of 339 participants who were randomly assigned to 6 week workshops either to learn mindfulness meditation or to learn loving-kindness…

Mindfulness for the Healthcare Professional


Stress and burnout are currently very common among healthcare providers. There are many reasons for this, including pressures for all healthcare providers to care for more patients as reimbursement is…

Research Update


Clarification of personal values and meditation practice has been associated in most meditation traditions and in academic texts. Both values-related behavior and meditation practice increases well-being, but their relationship has…

Free One Hour Introduction to Mindfulness Sessions


The UVa Mindfulness Center offers free one-hour Introduction to Mindfulness sessions.   Please contact Karen Rush if you would like to schedule a one-hour session for your group with one of our…