
Author: School of Medicine Webmaster

Science and Practice


As meditation and mindfulness practice are increasingly shown to have multiple positive impacts on us – from improving memory and concentration to strengthening our connection to those we live and…

Mindful Writing


This 6-week workshop explores the powerful nature of applying mindfulness to the process of writing. Each class begins with a short guided meditation, and the writing emerges from that. Building…

Silent Retreat: A Day of Mindfulness


A free all-day silent retreat for current and past students of the Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction and Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy programs. Dates: Saturday Teresa Miller course — 1/07 –…

Meditation Boosts Immune System


Reprinted from Web MD 6 Immune System Busters and Boosters Everyone has some stress; it's part of life. If stress drags on for a long time, it makes you more…

MBSR Testimonials


  “You gave me the gift of a lifetime.” “This class truly is the perfect complement to therapy.” “I learned a lot about myself and how my conditioning and need for control…

CSC Speaker Series with Clifford D. Saron, PhD


Who Clifford D. Saron, PhD What Contemplative Sciences Center Speaker Series: site link Scientific Investigation of Contemplative Practice: What Can We Capture and What Does the World Make of it?…

Mindfulness & Stress Reduction: an Experiential Workshop-Retreat


November 7-9, 2014 Tuition  $230.00 Lodging separate via Yogaville As long as we are locked into stress, we cannot live fully. Anxious thoughts and emotional reactions prevent us from truly…

Walk Slowly


It only takes a reminder to breathe, a moment to be still, and just like that, something in me settles, softens, makes space for imperfection. The harsh voice of judgment…

Words of Wisdom


“Nothing gives one person so much advantage over another as to remain always cool and unruffled under all circumstances.” Thomas Jefferson

New Course Offered: Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy


A new 8-week course offered by the Mindfulness Center, MBCT integrates mindfulness practices similar to those taught in MBSR with other skills adapted from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy into a course…