
Tag: Residents

Medicine Grand Rounds | David A. D’Alessio, MD – Regulation of Insulin Secretion by GI Hormones: Physiology, Pharmacology and Mythology (Crispell Lecture in Endocrinology)


Date: Wednesday June 28, 2017 Time: 12:00 PM until 1:00 PM Location: Pinn Hall Auditorium (rm 1-5) Cost: Free David A. D'Alessio, MD, is a professor of medicine and director of the Division of…

Medicine Grand Rounds | Robin J. Hamill-Ruth, MD – Opioids for Chronic Pain: An Update on Rules and Regulations


Date: Wednesday June 14, 2017 Time: 12:00 PM until 1:00 PM Location: Pinn Hall Auditorium (rm 1-5) Cost: Free Robin J. Hamill-Ruth, MD, is an associate professor in the UVA Department of Anesthesiology and…

Departing Housestaff, 2017 Edition: Future Plans


Wondering what the future plans are for our departing Internal Medicine residents? They are moving on to fellowships, further residencies, and positions as hospitalists and staff physicians. See below for their ports…

For IM Residents, a Year-End “Chiefs” Grand Rounds, Awards and a Celebratory Dinner


Each May, internal medicine residents gather for a Medicine Grand Rounds given by that year's chief residents and the presentation of annual awards voted upon by the residents. This event…

Ben Zorach, MD, Internal Medicine Resident (PGY2)


I was born in a small town called Williamstown in the Berkshires of western Massachusetts. I eventually moved down to Delaware but went back north to Vermont after high school…

DOM Trainees Moss and Holland Publish Research on the “Evolving Medical Complexity of the Modern Cardiac Intensive Care Unit”


Cardiovascular third-year fellow Travis Moss, MD, and second-year internal medicine resident Eric Holland, MD, published a paper in the April 25th issue of the Journal of the American College of…

Strong Showing by UVA Residents at ACP-Virginia Meeting in Charlottesville


From Chief Ross Buerlein: "A big congrats to all of our residents who presented at the American College of Physicians (ACP) Virginia Chapter meeting in Charlottesville on March 2. Everyone…

Match Day Yields Impressive Crop of New Interns


Welcome to the incoming class of internal medicine interns! Match Day for the Department of Medicine's Internal Medicine Residency program was conducted on Friday, March 17, and yielded a group…

Ross & Katelyn Buerlein Welcome Baby Brooks


Ross Buerlein, one of the 2016-2017 chief residents, and his wife Katelyn welcomed baby Brooks on January 6, 2017. Brooks, a boy, weighed in at 7 lbs. Congratulations to Ross and Katelyn!

Ross Buerlein, IM Chief Resident


I grew up in Richmond and I have spent much of my life in Virginia. I graduated from James Madison University where I majored in biology and history, then moved…