
Category: Clinical

UVA Health Opens Mental-Health Clinic for New Mothers and Moms-to-Be


UVA Health has launched a new outpatient mental-health clinic specializing in caring for women during pregnancy and after childbirth. The UVA Health Perinatal Mood Disorders Clinic is a partnership between…

UVA Health to Expand Access to Opioid Treatment Across Virginia


Backed by a new grant, UVA Health’s opioid-use disorder clinic will expand access to care by providing money to patients for social needs – such as housing, transportation or food – that…

Anelyssa D’Abreu, MD, Writes Article for The Conversation on Link Between Sleep Disorder and Dementia


Anelyssa D’Abreu, MD, an associate professor of neurology, wrote an article for The Conversation on the link between a sleep disorder and dementia, which was covered by more than 100…

UVA Health Partners to Improve Telehealth for Older Adults


UVA Health experts are helping lead a new national initiative to ensure telehealth care meets the unique needs of older adults. The new Center of Excellence For Telehealth and Aging…

Newsweek Honors UVA Medical Center Among Nation’s Best Maternity Hospitals


Newsweek has again named University of Virginia Medical Center to its list of America’s Top Maternity Hospitals for its high-quality care of newborns and mothers. This is the fourth consecutive…

Rachel Moon, MD, Advises Parents on Transitioning Kids from Crib to Beds


A column written by Rachel Moon, MD, on when kids should make the move from cribs to beds, was picked up by dozens of media outlets nationally, including the Miami…

Don Detmer, MD, and Colleague Outline Plan to Improve Electronic Health Records


An early advocate for the electronic health records now found in hospitals across the country has developed a plan to improve their use, lighten clinicians’ workload and enhance patient care.…

Kyle Enfield, MD, and Ina Stephens, MD, Spoke at UVA Health Congressional Briefing on Long COVID


On May 11, during a Congressional Briefing organized by UVA Health, Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia and Representative Don Beyer of Virginia’s 8th Congressional District outlined proposed legislation and policies…