
Category: Monthly Musings

Empathy and Compassion


The relationship between empathy and compassion has received a lot of attention recently as it has become clear that they are related but not the same.  Empathy is the ability…

Minimizing Anxiety over Change


Whether a liberal or conservative, the abrupt and dramatic changes in the political climate have created a lot of increased anxiety for many.  One of my dear patients came in…

Mindfulness and Leadership Part 2


Previously, I wrote about mindfulness and leadership through the lens of emotional intelligence (EQ), focusing on two aspects of EQ: self-awareness and self-management.  The other two aspects of EQ in…

Why not make “Mindful Awareness” a New Year’s Resolution?


Mindfulness is creating awareness of the present moment without judgment.  Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction is training in how to actually learn and incorporate this practice into our lives. It isn’t easy…

Mindfulness and Leadership


Having recently gone through a very memorable election, it seems a good time to consider how practicing mindfulness might contribute to being a successful leader.  One of the principal ways…

Mindfulness and Well-Being


Why cultivate a practice of mindfulness? What is the relationship between mindfulness and well-being? It has to do with how we pay attention…to how we are in any moment and…

Mindfulness Is Associated with Less Mental Distress and Greater Life Satisfaction among Informal Caregivers of Palliative Patients


A group from Germany has studied the relationship between mindfulness and distress among caregivers of patients receiving palliative care.  They found that those who had greater mindfulness as measured by…

Being With Things as They Are


We all know that we are mortal, and that we will not live forever.  However, when death is imminent for a loved one it still is not easy to accept. …

Mindfulness for Healthcare Providers


Stress and burnout are currently very common among healthcare providers.  The American Medical Association conducted a survey of practicing physicians in 2014 and found that 54% met criteria for burnout,…

Assuming Positive Intent


I was speaking with someone recently who had been having issues with relationships at work.  He had decided to work on improving his interactions with others, and reported that things…