
Monthly Matters

The Newsletter of the University of Virginia Children’s Hospital

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December Quality Corner

The Children’s Hospital and a Culture of Safety As Be Safe continues to roll, we need to remind ourselves that in health care, there will always going to be errors…

Kudos from Peers 12-8-14

Enjoy these kudos from your peers! Jane Shannon: You are wonderful for taking the time to teach me the new ERAS program. Margaret Sennett: You are an indispensable asset to…

2015 Blizzard Awards: Congratulations, Kate Willson!

From Steve Borowitz, MD: As chair of the Blizzard Award Committee, it gives me great pleasure to inform you that the committee has unanimously chosen Kate Willson to be this…

2015 Advocacy Training Grants Call for Applications

The 2015 Advocacy Training Grants Call for Applications is now open. CPTI will support 4 pediatric faculty-resident pairs to attend the AAP Legislative Conference in Washington, DC on April 12-14, 2015.…

Patient Praise 12-1-14

Enjoy this comment the Health System has received from patients and families! The doctors and staff were great. Very respectful and answered every question we had. They took care of…

Message From The Chair: Our Education Mission

With the recent visit of the LCME to the University of Virginia School of Medicine, it is a good time to focus on our education mission. I was personally proud…