
Category: Featured

Watch the 2022 State of the School Address


Dean Melina Kibbe presented her first State of the School of Medicine address on Thursday, November 10. Watch video here Learn more about UVA School of Medicine, and how Medical…

Supporting One Another – You Are Not Alone 


It is with great sadness that I am sharing this message with our School of Medicine community as this tragic and senseless act of gun violence on University Grounds this…

State of the School of Medicine Address


Join Dean Melina Kibbe for the State of the School of Medicine Address November 10, 2022, 5-6 p.m. in the Claude Moore Medical Education Auditorium (Room 3110) on third floor…

Leadership Video: Why You Should Take the Engagement Survey


We have just over one week left for employees to complete the 2022 UVA Health Engagement Survey, and we are making great progress with team member participation to date. This…

School of Medicine and Biocomplexity Institute Join U.S. Network Preparing for Infectious Disease Threats


Researchers at the University of Virginia School of Medicine and the UVA Biocomplexity Institute have been selected to help establish a national pathogen genomics surveillance network working to better identify,…

Brain Discovery Could Help Doctors Boost Body’s Ability to Fight Alzheimer’s and Multiple Sclerosis


UVA School of Medicine researchers have discovered a molecule in the brain responsible for orchestrating the immune system’s responses to Alzheimer’s disease and multiple sclerosis (MS), potentially allowing doctors to…

Swapnil Sonkusare, PhD and Colleagues Discover the Key Driver of High Blood Pressure


University of Virginia School of Medicine researchers have identified a key contributor to high blood pressure that could lead to new treatments for a condition that affects almost half of…

Jennifer Payne, MD, and Collaborators Discover Potential Biological Cause for Postpartum Depression


Newly discovered biological changes in mothers who suffer postpartum depression may help explain the condition, yield long-sought treatments and let doctors identify those at risk even before their babies are born. Postpartum…