
Category: Education

Melina R. Kibbe Named Dean of UVA’s School of Medicine


The University of Virginia has named pioneering physician leader Melina R. Kibbe, MD, as 17th dean of the UVA School of Medicine and chief health affairs officer for UVA Health.…

UVA Discovery Reveals Potential Way To Prevent Heart Attacks, and Strokes


Scientists at the University of Virginia School of Medicine have identified a potential way to head off heart attacks and strokes by strengthening the fibrous caps overlying atherosclerotic plaques that…

Q&A: What New COVID-19 Variants Mean For Our Vaccine Options


Over nearly a year of life in a global pandemic, words and phrases like “masking,” “social distancing,” “quarantine” and “herd immunity” have jumped into public conversation and stayed there, shorthand…

Awardees: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. University of Virginia Health System Award


2020 was a year that shone a light on racial inequities ever present in our society, and COVID-19 directed that light more specifically to healthcare disparities. After such a tumultuous…

What we know and don’t know about vaccines at UVA and in Virginia


Amid the global toll of COVID-19, the unprecedented speed of vaccine development has provided a reason for optimism, with the national and local rollout of vaccines a welcome light at…

This UVA Pediatrician Can Predict Your Stroke Risk


Doctors can predict patients’ risk for ischemic stroke based on the severity of their metabolic syndrome, a conglomeration of conditions that includes high blood pressure, abnormal cholesterol levels and excess…

From Trivia To Medical Supplies, Medical Students Step Up During A Global Pandemic


Each Tuesday night at 8 p.m., University of Virginia School of Medicine students Jeffrey White and Julia Preziosi broadcast their self-made trivia game show to up to 40 teams around…

Just When You Thought Our Medical Students Couldn’t Be More Awesome, They Go and Do This…


I’ve been writing about our students in the School of Medicine for nearly a decade. One constant I’ve noticed throughout the years: med students always leave me in awe. This…