
Category: Dean’s Message

Supporting One Another – You Are Not Alone 


It is with great sadness that I am sharing this message with our School of Medicine community as this tragic and senseless act of gun violence on University Grounds this…

With Gratitude on Veterans Day


On Veterans Day,  we honor all those who have served in our nation’s military, making the ultimate sacrifice for the freedoms and privileges we enjoy as Americans. I invite you…

1 Year – Progress and Promise


It is hard to believe it has been one year since we began this wonderful journey together. On September 15, 2021, I took one of the most momentous steps in…

Celebrating Women in Medicine Month at the School of Medicine


Each September, we celebrate the American Medical Association’s Women in Medicine month which recognizes the accomplishments of women physicians around the world. Here at UVA School of Medicine I am…

Statement on Representativeness in Clinical Trials


I write to share the School of Medicine’s Statement on Representativeness in Clinical Trials that was so thoughtfully written by the Clinical Research Advisory Committee led by James P. Nataro,…

USN&WR Ranking Clarification


I would like to take this opportunity to clarify an article that was published in the Richmond-Times Dispatch on July 11, 2022, and subsequently picked up by other media, regarding…

Join the School of Medicine in Celebrating Juneteenth


On Monday, June 20, the UVA School of Medicine will close to observe Juneteenth. This is the second year that the University has officially recognized the holiday. And this year,…

Gun Violence: A Public Health Issue


A letter to UVA School of Medicine, originally distributed June 3, 2022. As healthcare workers, our job is to heal and maintain health. And that's why our hearts ache for…