UVA will invest more than $75 million in an interdisciplinary effort to pioneer life-changing advances in neuroscience while simultaneously mapping the workings of the human brain. Jaideep Kapur, a professor of neurology and director of the UVA Brain Institute, and Sarah Kucenas, a professor of biology and director of the Program in Fundamental Neuroscience, said the research slate was chosen through a yearlong process that included online meetings, opportunities for collective idea generation, and a University-wide conference that involved more than 100 faculty, staff and students. In partnership with deans and other academic leadership, Kapur and the Brain Institute will play a key role in coordinating and administering the work of faculty members, students and staff in the schools of Medicine, Engineering, Arts & Sciences, Nursing, Data Science, Leadership and Public Policy, and Education and Human Development.
Read the UVA Today story.
Filed Under: Research