Shannon Moonah, MD
The Hartwell Foundation officially announced the recipients of the 2021 Hartwell Individual Biomedical Research Awards, providing support for three years at $100,000 direct cost per year. Ten individuals representing eight institutions received recognition as Hartwell Investigators, including Dr. Shannon Moonah, UVA Assistant Professor of Medicine. His award-winning proposal was “Protozoa to Prevent and Treat C. difficile Infection.”
In selecting awardees, the Foundation takes into account the compelling and transformative nature of
the proposed innovation, the extent to which a strategic or translational approach might accelerate the
clinical application of research results to benefit children of the United States, the extent of
collaboration in the proposed research, the institutional commitment to provide encouragement and
technical support to the investigator, and the extent to which funding the investigator will make a
While significant early-stage funding benefits the individual researcher, participating Hartwell
institutions are eligible to receive recognition in the form of a Hartwell Fellowship. For each Nominee
selected for an Individual Biomedical Research Award the sponsoring participating institution
receives one Hartwell Fellowship that they are asked to designate to a qualified postdoctoral
researcher in the early stage of their career. Each Fellowship provides support for two years at $50,000
direct cost per year to enable specialized training in biomedical research.
Filed Under: Research