
Mindfulness Matters

A Newsletter from the UVA Mindfulness Center

All Stories

Research Update

Cost-effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Versus Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or Usual Care Among Adults With Chronic Low Back Pain. Researchers at the University of Washington, Kaiser Permanente and the Rand…

Research Update

Tania Singer and colleagues in Germany conducted an evaluation of a 9-month mental training program called the ReSource Project. Participants included 229 adults who provided daily reports before and after…

Instructor Update

Susanna Williams has had a very busy fall, teaching mindfulness in multiple settings across grounds at UVa. She taught the three-credit on-line course “The Science and Practice of Mindfulness” for…

The Gift of Kindness

The holiday season is here, with all the hustle and bustle that this entails for many of us. It is a time when we often focus on giving. The type…

Tanya Singer Visits the University of Virginia

Noted social neuropsychologist Tanya Singer visited the University of Virginia the week of November 27 as a guest of the Contemplative Science Center. Professor Singer is the Director of the…

New Compassion Meditation Recording

A new compassion meditation has been posted to the Mindfulness Center website .   There is growing evidence of the benefit of dedicated compassion meditation as demonstrated by Professor Singer…