
Mindfulness Matters

A Newsletter from the UVA Mindfulness Center

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This is a very uncertain time.   There is uncertainty about the spread of COVID-19, and about how safe it will be as social distancing restrictions are relaxed and we can begin to move about more.  There is uncertainty about work and personal finances as well as the larger economy.  There is uncertainty about childcare and remote learning and when schools might open for in-person classes again. The list goes on and on. How do we find peace the midst of so much uncertainty?  This is a real challenge for many of us.  One thing we can do is to focus on the present moment.  Regardless of whatever else is going on, if we are able to bring our attention back to our present moment experience we can get out of the stream of thoughts regarding all the things over which we have no control.  In those moments when we are not thinking, we may find some calm.

Daily 15 Minute Online Mindful Pause

The Mindfulness Center is hosting a virtual Mindful Pause for 15 minutes every day at 4 pm.  These sessions are offered live via Zoom and are led by a Mindfulness…

New Daily 15 Minute Online Mindful Pause

In response to the increased stress many of us are feeling as a result of COVID-19, the Mindfulness Center will host a virtual Mindful Pause for 15 minutes every day…

Finding Balance in the Disruption

Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.  Victor Frankl Essentially, everything in my life, my family, friends and co-workers is different.  In the matter of just a few weeks, an unknown, little but mighty, virus has caused major disruption in our daily routines, customs and lives, most likely forever.  I was curious about the dictionary’s definition of disruption.  “Disruption”: is a noun “a major disturbance, something that changes your plans or interrupts some event or process”.  Wow, so major and so many! Social distancing Working from home Husband working from home Kids running around at home Schooling now from home Schools closed Colleges closed

Contemplative Sciences Center Virtual Meditation on the Lawn

Contemplative Sciences Center Virtual Meditation on the Lawn During this difficult time of quarantine when UVA students, faculty, staff, parents, and alumni cannot gather on Grounds, let the Contemplative Sciences…

Jon Kabat-Zinn Video Available

On March 25, Jon Kabat-Zinn held a live online event entitled “Not Losing Our Minds and Hearts When We Most Need Them. Mindfulness, Healing and Wisdom in a Time of…