
Category: Monthly Musings

Stormy Weather


As I am writing this, I am sitting in a hotel room on vacation unable to go outside due to the weather. It’s raining, the wind is blowing hard (with…

Snake Story


Yesterday I went out to the farm to check on a friend’s cat and the chickens (the girls). The cat and I had a wonderful bonding time. Then I bebop over to…

The Gift of Kindness


The holiday season is here, with all the hustle and bustle that this entails for many of us. It is a time when we often focus on giving. The type…



Thanksgiving was last week, an occasion when many of us spend time with family and friends and intentionally note things for which we are thankful. Although Thanksgiving is a holiday devoted…

Communicating Mindfully


We interact with others all the time which gives us many opportunities to practice mindful communication skills. When we meditate, it is usually a solitary pursuit.  Even if we are…

Circles of Influence and Concern


Our minds are thought generators, and many of the thoughts that arise can be stressful. The way the brain works, we can experience stress from an actual event, or we…

Dealing with the Aftermath


The events of August 11 and 12 in Charlottesville continue to impact many individuals as well as the larger community. From white supremacists carrying Tiki torches across UVa Grounds on…



Acceptance is one of the foundational attitudes of mindfulness and one of the hardest to learn. Our lives are fast-paced and usually geared to accomplishing goals, which sometimes are as…

Going on Vacation


With the coming of summer many of us will be taking vacations. Vacations can certainly be positive times, although they often have their challenges as well. To begin with, getting…

The Gift of Silence


Incorporating mindfulness into our everyday lives requires practice, and a principal way to practice is by meditating. Taking time for daily meditation is the best foundation for doing this regularly.…