
Author: School of Medicine Webmaster

Mindfulness in Education: Evidence and Opportunities


A growing body of research has shown the value of bringing mindfulness and other meditative practices into the educational arena, both for students as well as teachers.  Being an educator…

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Depression and Anxiety


Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) is a mindfulness-based intervention designed to help individuals who have suffered serious depression learn skills that decrease the likelihood of depression coming back. Research studies have…

Mindfulness Renewal


If you’d like to jumpstart, renew or deepen a personal practice of mindfulness, this four-week course is designed for anyone who has taken an experiential course on mindfulness, including all…

Kindness Practice: Using an Endearment in Internal Conversation


The more we practice mindfulness—which means being present in the present moment without judgment—the more we realize something additional is needed: kindness. In fact, mindfulness and kindness are like two…

Being Curious


We’ve all got habitual, conditioned patterns of re-activity that happen without much (conscious) thought. If something’s unpleasant, we distract ourselves; we leave. Physically, we may turn to the phone or…

Investing In Compassion:  Exploring Mindfulness As A Strategy To Enhance Interpersonal Relationships In Healthcare Practice


A study of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) among 125 healthcare employees in two large hospitals in Canada found improvements in empathy and deceases in burnout following participation in the course. …

Contemplative Practices for the 21st Century University


This conference will explore ways in which the university community can work collaboratively to provide a more holistic, learner-centered educational experience in all its facets.  Specifically, the conference will address…

Fall Classes Are Getting Underway at the Mindfulness Center


Fall is upon us, and the change of seasons is becoming apparent as the days are getting shorter and cooler.  As we move on from the activities of summer, the…

Empowering Those Who Care For Others: Innate Compassion Training


A special retreat on Innate Compassion Training (ICT), led by gifted teacher, John Makransky, PhD, will be held October 31-November 1.  ICT is a set of contemplative practices designed to…

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Depression and Anxiety


Instructor: David Silver, MD An 8-week class offered by the Mindfulness Center, MBCT integrates mindfulness practices similar to those taught in MBSR with other skills adapted from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy…