
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Depression and Anxiety

August 20, 2015 by School of Medicine Webmaster

Instructor: David Silver, MD

An 8-week class offered by the Mindfulness Center, MBCT integrates mindfulness practices similar to those taught in MBSR with other skills adapted from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy into a course helpful to those who suffer from depression and/or anxiety.

What participants in previous MBCT courses at UVA had to say as the class ended:

  • “I have felt my mind change—it feels like a physical change—in the course of the class. It feels stronger and more resilient and that’s priceless.”
  • “This class has given me hope that if or when I start to slide back into a hole again, I’ll have tools to help forestall the slide . . . I feel encouraged I can be in control of myself again and the thought of being kind and gentle to myself—I loved that!”
  • This course has shown me a new way of living—a life-changing shift in perception. Being on this journey with others was invaluable.”
  • “This has ben a life-opening experience. I feel grateful, nourished, and equipped with resources and tools that I can add to and use for rest of my life. I am very grateful.”
  • “The course exposed me to a completely new way of approaching day-to-day living . . . The notion of being able to formally take a time out from “doing mode” to assess a situation seems very powerful . . .”
  • “I’ve learned that I am not alone.”
  • “This course is one of the two most important things I’ve ever done for myself. One is going on antidepressant medications—those saved my life. Two, and just as important, is this course. It is helping me realize a better quality to my life. I am learning that what I need I already have within me. That is huge!”
  • “I feel like the importance of the program will continue to reveal itself to me, as time moves on . . . I imagine and hope that the things I’ve learned—how to meditate, new ways to think and to approach my feelings, thoughts, etc. will prove very helpful . . . David is outstanding, a gentle, caring, sensitive, perceptive, patient person—just the sort of leader for this kind of work, and this collection of good and challenged people.”

Together we will learn mindfulness skills in a supportive environment, with instruction, practice together, discussion, and plenty of time to address the challenges that come up when dealing with depression or anxiety, and when learning new tools to address these difficult emotions.

The Mindfulness Center’s next Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy course begins October 8, and will be taught by David Silver, MD.

for registration please visit:



Filed Under: Monthly Musings