A large body of research has shown the value of bringing mindfulness and other meditative practices (such as yoga) into the educational arena. Being a teacher (or parent) requires a high degree of social and emotional competence, especially in dealing with at–risk youth who may have additional challenges due to high stress levels and lack of the emotional regulation necessary to work through complex issues. There is growing evidence that teaching mindfulness to teachers and others who work with children and young adults adds to their job satisfaction and well being. In working directly with students every day, it can be beneficial to not only understand mindfulness principles in order to integrate these into our own lives but also to model these behaviors for others.
The University of Virginia’s Mindfulness Center is offering a Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Class that can help meet the challenges and stressors of being an educator. This is an 8-week experiential and highly interactive class that meets once per week for 2 ½ hours. It is the original mindfulness program created by Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn which has received so much attention recently as more and more research continues to validate its many practical values – including being in the present moment and increasing opportunities to make conscious choices rather than simply react unconsciously. Participants learn meditative and mindfulness practices to bring into their lives, practices that can increase resilience, reduce stress and improve quality of life.
For the program to be effective, a commitment to 45 minutes of daily practice and regular attendance at and active participation in all classes, including the daylong retreat, is strongly recommended. Cost for the class is $460 and may qualify for educational benefits.
The program will be led by Susanna Williams – who has experience teaching mindfulness to a variety of populations including undergraduate students, medical students, faculty, health care providers and the general public. She has a PhD in Education, is a certified yoga instructor and has studied Contemplative Pedagogy. She is a long-time mindfulness practitioner and teaches ongoing mindfulness classes through the UVA Mindfulness Center.
For registration or further information please contact the UVA Mindfulness Center at mindfulnesscenter@virginia.edu or call Karen Rush at 434-924-1190 .
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Winter 2015
Dates: February 10 – March 31
Day and Time: Tuesdays, 6:00 – 8:30 pm
Instructor: Susanna Williams
Location: Emily Couric Clinical Cancer Center 3rd floor, room 3303
Free parking across the street in the West Complex parking lot
Cost: $460
Filed Under: Monthly Musings