
New Course Offered: Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy

August 13, 2014 by School of Medicine Webmaster

David Silver, MD

David Silver, MD

A new 8-week course offered by the Mindfulness Center, MBCT integrates mindfulness practices similar to those taught in MBSR with other skills adapted from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy into a course which is helpful to those who suffer from depression and/or anxiety.

Here are what others say* has been most helpful to them in the MBCT course.

  • Knowing what pulls mood down and recognizing early warning signs
  • Learning new ways to step out of patterns of negative thoughts and feelings
  • Seeing negative thoughts and feelings differently—as parts of emotional packages, not “me”
  • Feeling less helpless in the face of unwanted emotions
  • Feeling less alone—seeing that many other people experience depression or other difficult emotions and that it is not “just me”
  • Being kinder and less critical to myself
  • Valuing myself more—recognizing and meeting my own needs

Together we will learn mindfulness skills in a supportive environment, with instruction, practice together, discussion, and plenty of time to address the challenges that come up when dealing with depression or anxiety, and when learning new tools to address these difficult emotions.

The Mindfulness Center’s first Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy course begins October 13, and will be taught by David Silver, MD. Please contact David at if you have questions about MBCT.

*From Teasdale, Williams, and Segal, 2014.

Filed Under: Monthly Musings