
Category: Education

Javanov Barksdale Joins DOM Education Team


Javanov Barksdale joined the Department of Medicine education team in February, taking over the education coordinator position for the divisions of endocrinology and rheumatology previously filled by Amanda Fortune. Javanov…

Five UVA Residents Win Awards at ACP/Virginia Abstract Competition


Internal Medicine chief resident Scott Cornella offered congratulations to all of the residents who participated in an abstract competition sponsored by the Virginia chapter of the American College of Physicians. The…

“Teaching Wisdom” to Medical Students: The Phronesis Project


Peggy Plews-Ogan, MD, a faculty member in the Division of General, Geriatric, Palliative & Hospital Medicine, has a long-standing interest in the role of wisdom in medicine — including authoring…

A Successful Interview Season for Internal Medicine Residency Program Takes Many Hands


Jerry Donowitz, MD, and Brian Uthlaut, MD, program director and vice program director, respectively, of DOM's Internal Medicine Residency Program, extend their thanks to everyone in the department -- faculty, fellows, residents…

Fellowship Match for 2016 Graduating IM Residents


The fellowship match for DOM’s 2016 graduating internal medicine residents took place on Wednesday, December 2, 2015. The results are listed below, by area of specialty. Hearty congratulations to all!