
Category: Message from the Chair

Message from the Chair – January 2021


Welcome to this month’s edition of Medicine Matters. Many of you may not know the history of how the newsletter was named; now, over ten years ago. At the time,…

Message from the Chair – January 2021


I hope that everyone had a great holiday and was able to take some time off from the stresses of the pandemic world. This month it is fitting that we…

Message From the Chair – December 2020


There is no doubt that 2020 was a year to remember or perhaps, a year to forget. We have experienced a pandemic, a contentious election, a politically-divided nation, and severe…

Message from the Chair – November 2020


Wow, what a busy and exciting month for the Department of Medicine. We are pleased to welcome Dr. Michael Nelson as our new Division Chief for Allergy and Immunology. Dr.…

Message from the Chair -October 2020


This month our focus is on the largest Division in the Department of Medicine. The Division of General Medicine, Geriatrics, Palliative Care and Hospital Medicine is led by Dr. Mo…

Message From the Chair – September 2020


Welcome to September and the beginning of fall. To say the least, this is an unusual and unexpected start to the academic year. We remain socially distanced, masked, and gowned…

Message from the Chair – July 2020


I hope everyone is well and holding up during these difficult times. It is times like these when we have to act as a community and support one another. What…

DOM Medicine Matters Newsletter – July 2020


The July 2020 Medicine Matters Newsletter features the Division of Gastroenterology & Hepatology. We welcome your feedback and continued updates, which can be sent to: Kim Kelley-Wagner at

DOM Medicine Matters Newsletter – June 2020


The June 2020 Medicine Matters Newsletter features the Division of  Cardiovascular Medicine. We welcome your feedback and continued updates, which can be sent to: Kim Kelley-Wagner at

Message from the Chair – June 2020


Spring is here and I hope all of you are enjoying some time outside while at the same time ensuring that you stay safe and well. This is a special…