Welcome to this month’s edition of Medicine Matters. Many of you may not know the history of how the newsletter was named; now, over ten years ago. At the time, the Department was starting a recovery phase after a very turbulent time and after some significant financial issues. Morale was low. We decided to hold a naming contest for a new newsletter that would highlight our faculty and staff’s many incredible achievements and make the clear statement that finances are not the way to judge a Department of Medicine. It would also be a place to build a sense of community. Dr. William Petri submitted the winning entry, “Medicine Matters.” The title was fitting in many ways, from the literal to the figurative, and has served the newsletter well. Dr. Petri also won a now archaic I-pod for his winning entry.
Reflecting back, there are some constants for the Department. Finances will always be a challenge for an academic Department of Medicine, but we counter this by our actions as being an indispensable part of the University and Health System. Every day we lift the lives of our patients and our community with our high-quality care. Our research fundamentally changes how we care for patients and betters the human condition on an even greater scale. We strive to educate the next generation to carry on the traditions of dedication and care and push them to improve upon our work. We work within the community as essential links to the resources of the University and people in need. So, Medicine does Matter. All of you matter, and we should take great pride in our work each and every day. As you look through this edition, I know you will agree with me.
With best wishes,
Mitchell H. Rosner, MD, MACP
Henry B. Mulholland Professor of Medicine
Chair, Department of Medicine
Filed Under: Message from the Chair
Tags: DOM, Endocrinology, February 2021, February Medicine Matters, medicine matters, staff