
Category: Education

Letter from the Hematology/Oncology Program Director: Dr Richard Hall


Hematology/Oncology continues to be a rapidly evolving field of internal medicine. This evolution is seen by our fellows throughout their clinical training – in many cases, therapies that we provide…

Students from Buford Middle School Invited by Department of Medicine to Tour The School of Nursing


On February 3rd and 5th, 7th grade students from Buford Middle School visited the University of Virginia Health System in order to experience different aspects of medicine. They had the…

Division of Endocrinology & Metabolism Spotlight – February 2020


Message from Dr Zhenqi Liu - Division Chief, Endocrinology & Metabolism The Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism has a rich history and tradition of excellence in patient care, education and…

DoM Medicine Matters Newsletter – December 2019


The December 2019 Medicine Matters Newsletter features an end-of-year message from each Division. We welcome your feedback and continued updates, which can be sent to: Kim Kelley-Wagner at

Foundations of Clinical Medicine


Launched in 2018 by UVA School of Medicine, Foundations of Clinical Medicine (FCM) 1 is an 18-month longitudinal course led by physician coaches and non-physician co-mentors engaging patients, standardized patients,…

DoM Medicine Matters Newsletter – November 2019


The November 2019 Medicine Matters Newsletter features the Division of Hospital Medicine. We welcome your feedback and continued updates, which can be sent to: Kim Kelley-Wagner at

Statewide Survey Report on Interest and Barriers to Telehealth Delivery of DSMES and National DPP in Virginia


Virginia Center for Diabetes Prevention and Education Over the next five years, the Virginia Department of Health would like to expand telehealth’s use for Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support (DSMES)…

General, Geriatric, Palliative Medicine Education Highlight – PATIENT STUDENT PARTNERSHIP


By Rachel Kon To expose medical students to longitudinal care of chronic illness patients and have a context to mentor students’ professional identity formation, the UVA School of Medicine launched…

Updates, Notes, and Achievements – September 2019


Please join the Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism in welcoming their two newest faculty members: William Benjamin (Ben) Horton. MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine, effective July 1 2019. Ben received…

Message from the Chair – September 2019 Medicine Matters Newsletter


Welcome back from summer! As the new academic year gets going in full swing, this month’s Medicine Matters highlights the Division of Nephrology. Of course, I must admit a certain…