

Amber Inofuentes, MD

Amber Inofuentes, MD

By Amber Inofuentes, MD

Since 2017, Dr. Amber Inofuentes has served as the Co-director for the Acute Care/Internal Medicine section of the Internship Readiness Program for the School of Medicine alongside Dr. Kathryn Mutter from Emergency Medicine. In this role, she helped lead the expansion of this course (which was previously elective) to all 4th-year medical students applying for residency in Psychiatry, Internal Medicine, Family Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Anesthesiology, Neurology, and non-surgical preliminary programs.

The two-week experience is designed to increase prospective interns’ readiness for common acute care challenges in the hospital, practice communication and teamwork skills, and improve confidence with common procedures and skills through small group sessions, including topical case-based workshops, procedural skills labs, and simulations.

Each year, 10-12 hospital medicine faculty teach sessions for this course on a wide range of inpatient medicine topics, including Abdominal Pain, Sepsis and Antibiotics, Abnormal Labs, and Communication and Transitions in Care. In 2019, 100% of students who evaluated the course (n=66) felt that it improved their internship readiness.

In spring 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all content for this course had to be revised to a remote learning platform. Despite the challenges presented in engaging students in interactive small group sessions virtually, 92% of students (n=48) felt that it improved their internship readiness. Dr. Jessica Dreicer has been appointed to take over the role of course Co-director beginning this fall.

Filed Under: Education, News and Notes

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