Courtney Crenshaw and Gabby Schrecongost
Each year the Office of Medical Education recognizes a Clerkship Coordinator who provides outstanding service to medical students and faculty as the students embark on the second phase of their medical education. During Phase 2 (i.e., Clerkships), students transition from the classroom setting to working under the supervision of medical specialists to gain direct hands-on experience as they rotate through departments across the hospital and work with providers in our regional community.
The 2022 Phase 2 Coordinator of the Year Award was presented at the Joint Phase 2 (Clerkship) Meeting of the UVA Health, Inova, Salem, and Bon Secours leadership teams on March 16, 2022 to Gabby Schrecongost (Intersessions, Charlottesville) and Courtney Crenshaw (Pediatrics, Inova). Courtney was noted for her efforts in assuming the role of Clerkship Coordinator in a period of flux and for seamlessly integrating herself into the position. Gabby’s positive energy as well as her strong interpersonal and communication skills were commended by faculty director Greg Young, who described her as, “organized, thoughtful, and willing to help in any way.” Congratulations to both Gabby and Courtney and many thanks to all Phase 2 Clerkship Coordinators for their hard work and dedication to this important phase of training for our medical students!
Filed Under: Education, Honors & Awards