
Category: Research

UVA Brain Institute: Request for Proposals for Transformative Neuroscience Pilot Grants 2024


The UVA Brain Institute offers a seed funding program for transformative neuroscience research projects. The purpose of the program is to tackle important questions, promote interdisciplinary collaboration, and perform groundbreaking…

Sameer Bajikar, PhD, Aims to Unlock the Inner Workings of the MECP2 ‘Goldilocks’ Gene


As a postdoctoral fellow working with neurogeneticist Huda Zoghbi at Baylor College of Medicine, Sameer Bajikar began to study a pair of neurodevelopmental disorders that work as two sides of…

First Author Xin Hu, PhD, Publishes Study About Health Insurance and Cancer Care


Xin Hu, PhD, an assistant professor in the Department of Public Health Sciences, is first author of a study in collaboration with the American Cancer Society about how cancer patients…

UVA Researchers Combine Machine Learning and Human Learning to Identify Heart Drug


University of Virginia scientists have developed a new approach to machine learning – a form of artificial intelligence – to identify drugs that help minimize harmful scarring after a heart…

Research in Motion: Jamieson Bourque, MD


My research is focused on patients who have unexplained chest pain. They often have significantly reduced functional status and uncomfortable symptoms; we are looking at ways to use exercise and…

Kibbe-Tsihlis Lab Wins UVA Office of Sustainability International Laboratory Freezer Challenge


The UVA Office of Sustainability is pleased to announce the 2023 Freezer Challenge winner is the Kibbe-Tsihlis Lab. This year, UVA Green Labs programs saw a 56% increase in participation in…

Lian-Wang Guo, PhD, Awarded $2.8 Million to Study Vascular Stenotic Disease


Lian-Wang Guo, PhD, a professor in the Department of Surgery, Division of Surgical Sciences, and Craig Kent, MD, a professor in the Department of Surgery and the chief executive officer…

Hervé Agaisse, PhD, Awarded $ 3.5 Million to Study the Role of Host Factors in Shigellosis


Hervé Agaisse, PhD, a professor in the department of Microbiology, Immunology, and Cancer Biology, was recently awarded a five-year, 3.5 million R01 grant from the NIH to investigate the role…