
Category: Media Highlights

Irène Mathieu, MD, Wrote Article for The Conversation Which Attracted Widespread News Coverage


Irène Mathieu, MD, an assistant professor in the Department of Pediatrics, wrote an article for The Conversation titled "Literature inspired my medical career: Why the humanities are needed in health…

Ann Kellams, MD, Interviewed by TIME About Latest Baby Formula Recall


Ann Kellams, MD, a professor in the Department of Pediatrics, was interviewed for an article in TIME about the latest baby formula recall. The voluntary recall of Nutramigen Hypoallergenic Infant…

Peter Kasson, MD, PhD, Writes Article for The Conversation Covered by Media Outlets Nationwide


How do the viruses that cause diseases such as COVID-19 and the flu actually infect you? Peter Kasson, MD, PhD, from the UVA School of Medicine wrote an article for…

Ifrah Zawar, MD, Study About Epilepsy Receives National News Coverage


Ifrah Zawar, MD, an assistant professor in the Department of Neurology, is lead author on a multicenter study about how epilepsy patients have earlier cognitive decline compared to people without…

Dean Melina Kibbe Discusses SOM Scientific Breakthroughs on Hoos in Stem Podcast


School of Medicine Dean Melina Kibbe was interviewed by Ken Ono, the STEM Advisor to the Provost and the Marvin Rosenblum Professor of Mathematics, for his bi-weekly podcast Hoos in…

Pediatric Resident Heather DeReus, MD, Featured Nationally in a Story About the Shortage of Residency Slots


School of Medicine Pediatric Resident Heather DeReus, MD, was recently interviewed about the shortage of residency slots in the U.S. The story was covered by news outlets around the country.…

Research From Alban Gaultier, PhD, Reaches International Audiences


Research on how fermented food may prevent depression and anxiety from Associate Professor of Neuroscience Alban Gaultier, PhD, and collaborators was covered widely by national and international news outlets. Lactobacillus,…

Diane Pappas, MD, JD, Interviewed on NPR’s Morning Edition About Home Cold Remedies


Diane Pappas, MD, JD, a professor in the Department of Pediatrics, Division of General Pediatrics, was interviewed for NPR's Morning Edition about home remedies for the common cold. In cold…