The Brain Institute is excited to offer multiple mechanisms of support to UVA’s broad community of groundbreaking neuroscience researchers.
The Brain Institute is currently accepting applications for the BRAIN Post Doctoral Fellowship which will provide mentorship, professional development, and financial support to selected post doctoral researchers in neuroscience. The fellowship will provide a salary supplement of $20,000 as well as a $5,000 research & professional development fund for two years. Post docs currently at UVA, as well as external recruits, who are no more than 3.5 years from their PhD are eligible to apply in 2023; internal candidates must also have been at UVA for no more than 2 years. More details, including the application and mentor/post doc responsibilities, can be found on the Brain Institute website.
Look for additional, quarterly seed funding opportunities to be announced Summer 2023 including:
- Targeted Investment Grants – up to $20,000 awards
- Provides funding to grants that have been submitted, scored, and not awarded in order to address feedback and strengthen for subsequent submissions.
- Pitch & Catch Grants – up to $10,000 awards
- Intended to fund a specific, high-impact gap in an ongoing research project.
A Clinical Translational Seed Funding program will be also be launched soon. More information to follow.
In addition to the opportunities above, the Brain Institute is also currently reviewing applications for the programs below. These programs are expected to be offered annually, so please stay tuned in early 2024 for information about the next funding cycle.
- Transformative Neuroscience Pilot Grants 2023 for Basic Science Research (Applications accepted March 1 – April 15; project start date – July 1, 2023
Awards up to $50,000 to fund one-year non-human subjects research in transformative neuroscience. Faculty across Grounds were eligible to apply.
- 2023 Presidential Fellows in Collaborative Neuroscience (Applications closed – March 15; awards announced – May 1)
The Provost’s Office, in collaboration with the Brain Institute, offers the presidential graduate fellowship program to promote cross-Grounds collaborative neuroscience research; 3rd or 4th year graduate students will be jointly guided in collaborative, multi-disciplinary research projects and given support in the form of a stipend, tuition, insurance and fees for one academic year.
Filed Under: Research