Thurl Harris, PhD
Thurl Harris, PhD, an associate professor in the Department of Pharmocology and Department of Medicine Division of Endrocinology and Metabolism, was awarded a $2.3 million NIH grant for a project titled “Adenosine Receptors and Metabolic Homeostasis.”
Obese patients do not properly regulate nutrient storage in fat cells, particularly after eating. This project seeks to understand why post-meal metabolism differs in lean versus obese conditions, and determine the contributions of signaling receptors on fat cells. This in turn may lead to novel approaches to diminish obesity-related metabolic defects.
Learn more about the Harris Lab, which focuses on how adipose tissue responds to anabolic (insulin) and catabolic (catecholamines) hormones to regulate whole body metabolic homeostasis. In addition to research, Dr. Harris serves as director of Graduate Studies in Pharmacological Sciences.
Filed Under: Research