
Stephen Abbott, PhD, Working with Cross-Grounds Research Team Studying New Treatments for Swallowing Disorders

August 11, 2022 by

Campbell_Coverdell_Abbott head shot Stephen Abbott, PhD, an assistant professor of pharmacology with School of Medicine and John Campbell, a molecular neuroscientist and professor with the College of Arts and Sciences are part of a team led by doctoral student, Tatiana Coverdell, from the College studying swallowing disorders. The average person swallows 500-700 times a day. Swallowing disorders brought on by health conditions or old age can lead to esophogeal motility disorders like dysphagia making swallowing difficult or painful.

The team of scientists published a study this month in the journal Cell Reports that identifies the unique genetic fingerprint of the nerve cells that govern the motor function of the esophagus. This discovery may lead to new targeted treatments for the eshophagus versus the entire region, allowing for better therapies and pharmaceuticals.

Read more in UVA Today.

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Filed Under: Faculty, Research