Drs. Schenkman, Cantrell, and Chen (lt to rt)
School of Medicine researchers Noah Schenkman, MD, John Kluge Professor of Urology who performs robotic surgeries for urology patients, Leigh Cantrell, MD, an associate professor of gynecologic oncology, and 3rd year UVA Urology resident Tina Chen, MD are part of a research team led by Homa Alemzadeha, PhD, from UVA’s School of Engineering and Applied Science who are studying ways to make robotic surgery safer and more intuitive for physicians.
Professor Alemzadeh works in a discipline of engineers called “cyber-physcial systems” which focuses on how machines and people can best work together. Human doctors are the experts and final decision-makers, while a robot surgeon would be a high-tech assistant. Advancement in robotic surgery may offer more options for patients in rural communities who live far away from larger hospitals where life-saving operations are usually performed.
Preliminary findings published in The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Assisted Surgery.
Read the full story in UVA Today.