R. Ariel Gomez, MD
R. Ariel Gomez, MD, the Harrison Distinguished Professor of Pediatrics and director of the Department of Pediatrics Child Health Research Center, was awarded an NIH P50 grant for more than $4.3 million in funding to study the fate of kidney vascular cells during development and disease. The grant will support research at the School of Medicine’s Pediatric Center of Excellence in Nephrology where researchers use a coordinated, interdisciplinary approach to study the development of the kidney vasculature during embryonic, fetal and postnatal life.
The center’s research focuses on fundamental questions of clinical relevance in pediatric nephrology such as the understanding of the proper development, and the structural and functional maintenance of the kidney vasculature in health and disease. Dr. Gomez directs the center’s research along with associate directors Maria Luisa Sequeira Lopez, MD, and Patricio Ray, MD, in the SOM’s Department of Pediatrics and a national and international advisory committee. Additional research team members include Jennifer Charlton, MD, Silvia Medrano, PhD, and Agnes Swiatecka-Urban, MD, in the Department of Pediatrics and Nathan Sheffield, PhD, in the Departments of Public Health Sciences, Biomedical Engineering, Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, and Data Science.
Read more about the Pediatric Center of Excellence and the Child Health Research Center.
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Filed Under: Faculty, Featured, Honors & Awards, Research