The iTHRIV Scholar Career Development Program aims to train the next generation of translational researchers in principles of data science and the conduct of rigorous and reproducible science, while also promoting team science as a means to enhance innovation and discovery in health-related research. The iTHRIV Scholars Program is available to full-time faculty applicants who have a doctoral degree, or its equivalent, in a research or health profession. The iTHRIV Scholars program, launched in 2017, helps early career faculty members advance their careers. Meet the iTHRIV Scholars.
Application Process
- For the 2023 iTHRIV Scholar program Request for Applications click here:
- Letters of intent are due by Dec. 1, 2022; please use this form:
- Full applications are due Jan. 17, 2023.
Information Sessions
An information session will be held during the 5th Annual Scholar Symposium on Tuesday, October 18th. To learn more and register:
Additional information sessions will be held on November 2nd and November 10th.
Please note: Proposals that demonstrate potential to integrate team science and data science in clinical or translational research are encouraged.
Eligibility Requirements
- Applicants must have a research or health-professional doctoral degree (or its equivalent), including but not limited to M.D., D.O., Ph.D., D.V.M., and/or D.N.P.
- Applicants must have a full-time faculty appointment at UVA, the position cannot be contingent on obtaining this award. (Faculty holding at least a 9-month appointment are eligible).
- Applicants must be a U.S. citizen or non-citizen national, or have documented permanent resident status.
- Applicants and their home department must commit 75% effort to mentored research and career development activities (deviations from this will be considered on a case-by-case basis and are subject to approval during the application process). A letter of support from the applicant’s department chair must include a statement of commitment to 75% protected time (or to the agreed upon amount) and a clear description of other activities (including the percent effort allocated to clinical responsibilities, on-call time, teaching, service, and/or administrative activities).
- Applicants who have previously received a career development award or a national independent research award (as PI) covering more than two full calendar months of support in a year (e.g. NSF, NIH, AHA) are NOT eligible.