
iTHRIV Offers NIH Specific Aims Review

August 11, 2022 by

iTHRIV unified logoLooking for advice about your specific aims? Want to make sure you quickly capture the attention of reviewers?  Why not have experts review your specific aims?

The specific aims page of your grant is arguably the most critical part of an NIH proposal. It is the opportunity for you to convey to the reviewers the importance of your research, why you are the correct person to conduct the research, and to capture their attention so they want to learn more. The specific aims page, if well written, can make the rest of your grant writing process easier.

iTHRIV is offering electronic specific aims review from non-subject matter experts who are members of the iTHRIV Scientific Advisory Board. Many of these members have been part of NIH study sections or have received NIH funding in the past. Any member of an iTHRIV institution is able to submit a Specific Aims page for review.


  • Any researcher from an iTHRIV institution who is submitting for NIH funding as the PI
  • Must be eligible at your institution to receive NIH grant funding


  • Submit a full written Specific Aims page in Word document format to iTHRIV’s Specific Aims Review
  • Please include planned submission date and planned funding mechanism (i.e., K award, RO1, U53, etc.)
  • ITHRIV SAB members will make every attempt to return feedback within 2-3 weeks

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Filed Under: Research