left to right: Dean Melina Kibbe, Ms. Sandy Snyder, Dr. Kristy Lidie, and Dr. Jianjie Ma
Melina Kibbe, MD, Dean of the School of Medicine and Jianjie Ma, PhD, the William H. Muller Endowed Professor of Surgery, hosted Department of Defense (DoD) representatives Dr. Kristy Lidie and Ms. Sandy Snyder on February 1 for a presentation to SOM faculty about the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP). Using a town hall format, they provided an overview of the missions of CDMRP, the program cycle and review process, funding opportunities and how to apply, and additional resources and strategies for successful funding by DOD.
Following the town hall meeting, roundtable group discussions for interested faculty members and DoD leadership stimulated potentials for collaboration with DoD on basic and translational research. Specific RFAs for focused research topics will be released from the DoD in the coming weeks.
All faculty members are encouraged to check the CDMPR website for RFAs, and to subscribe to Funding Opportunities & Program Communications.