Craig Slingluff, MD
Craig Slingluff, MD was recently interviewed for an article in UVA Today where he discusses the Moderna-Merck announcement about their promising new mRNA-based melanoma vaccine. He also shares updates about his own research for a vaccine for this potentially deadly skin cancer. Dr. Slingluff has been working towards a melanoma vaccine since 1996, using an approach involving the “administering peptides, short chains of amino acids that are targets for the immune system on the surface of cancer cells.”
Dr. Slingluff is the Joseph Helms Farrow Professor of Surgery and the vice-chair for research in the Department of Surgery, director of the UVA Cancer Center Human Immune Therapy Center, and co-director of the Focused Ultrasound Cancer Immunotherapy Center at UVA. He has 30 years of experience as an independent investigator as a translational immunologist, surgical oncologist, and clinical trialist.
Read the Q&A in UVA Today and more about Dr. Slingluff’s research.