In rheumatology, autoimmune diseases, and rheumatoid arthritis.
[ Proposals due 5/13.]
The Annette Lightner Fund is an endowment, the income from which supports medical research in rheumatology, autoimmune diseases, and rheumatoid arthritis (with particular interest in dermatomyositis). Please note: proposals for research on diabetes will not be accepted by this program. This announcement requests research proposals not to exceed $25,000 in direct costs over a one-year period. It is anticipated that there will be up to four awards.
Eligibility Principal Investigators must hold a full-time, primary appointment at the School of Medicine at the rank of Assistant Professor or higher (any track).
Deadline 13 May 2022.
Award Funded projects will begin after June 30, 2022. The grantee must submit a written final report to the dean no later than one month following the completion of the award year, describing study results and publications and grant proposals resulting from the award. Grantees will be expected to provide additional information on award outcomes,
including extramural funding. The Annette Lightner Research Award is meant to provide one-9me seed funds for innovative projects, and will not provide ongoing support.
Submission Submit proposal as a single PDF via e-mail to David Driscoll no later than 5:00 PM on the above date. Use 11 pt Arial font with 1” margins.
- Cover page with project title, PI name and department, and amount requested.
- Technical proposal (two pages including figures/tables, but exclusive of references).
- NIH biosketch, including other support information. There may not be any overlap of funding between
- existing/pending awards and the proposal submitted under this program.
- Detailed budget, using a PHS 398 form (see Investigator salary and fringe benefits may not be supported by this award; however trainees and technical staff may be included. General staff, administrative support, tuition costs, and F&A costs are not allowed. In general, the purchase of equipment is not allowed.
Research involving human subjects, animals, recombinant DNA, or radiation must be approved by appropriate UVA committee(s) before the onset of the project.
Filed Under: Research