Maciej Gluc
BIMS graduate student Maciej Gluc in the Ahmad Jomaa Laboratory in the Department of Molecular Physiology and Biological Physics has been awarded the prestigious Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds PhD Fellowship. This award recognizes Maciej’s contributions to the field of cellular stress responses, highlighting his potential as a researcher in ribosome biology and metabolic regulation.
Maciej’s research investigates how cells adapt to extreme stress conditions, with a particular focus on the novel mechanism of ribosome hibernation on mitochondria in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. By integrating cutting-edge techniques, including cryo-electron tomography, single-particle cryo-electron microscopy, and mass spectrometry, Maciej aims to uncover the molecular events that enable ribosome tethering to mitochondria and the role of RACK1 in protein synthesis shutdown during nutrient stress. This work not only advances our understanding of the mechanisms driving cell dormancy and survival under harsh conditions but could also aids in identifying new therapeutic targets for combating pathogenic microorganisms and cancer.
Maciej’s receipt of the Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds PhD Fellowship marks a significant achievement in his scientific career, providing vital support to propel his innovative research into the molecular basis of cellular adaptation under stress.
Filed Under: Education, Honors & Awards, Research