
UVA Health Unites with Black Patients, Team Members, and Students in Celebration of 2023 Black History Month


This month, we are united in the national 2023 Black History Month theme: Black Resistance: Restoration and Resilience. As such, we are dedicated to standing with our Black patients, visitors,…

Moore Laboratory Awarded $100,000 Grant from The Jefferson Trust


Harnessing the power of light to transform Organ-on-a-chip technology is the focus of new research by Sean Moore, MD, and his research team. Dr. Moore, a professor and researcher in…

Kelly Shaffer, PhD Awarded a $3.1 Million NIH R37 MERIT Award


Kelly Shaffer, PhD, an assistant professor in the Center for Behavioral Health and Technology in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences, was awarded a 5-year, $3.1 million R37 grant…

W. Gerald Teague, MD and Jie Sun, PhD Awarded a $3.38 Million NIH RO1 Grant


W. Gerald Teague, MD, the Ivy Foundation Distinguished Professor of Pediatrics and Associate Director of the Child Health Research Center, and Jie Sun, PhD, Harrison Distinguished Teaching Professor of Medicine…

Research in Motion Video: Shayn Peirce-Cottler, PhD


I study the smallest blood vessels in our body, the capillaries, and they're responsible for feeding oxygen and nutrients to all of our cells. -- Shayn Peirce-Cottler, Chair, Department of…

Multiple Sclerosis Discovery Could End Disease’s Chronic Inflammation


UVA Health neuroscientists have discovered a potential way to disrupt the chronic inflammation responsible for multiple sclerosis. UVA’s new study identifies a vital contributor to the hyperactive autoimmune response and…

How Does the Tsunami of Health Data Impact Medical Education and How Can it Help Prepare the Next Generation?


The Department of Radiology & Medical Imaging is pleased to welcome Michael D. Dake, MD, Senior Vice President for the University of Arizona Health Sciences and Professor, Department of Medical…

Date: Feb 22, 2023 - Feb 22, 2023

Start Time: 8:00 pm

End Time: 9:00 pm

Second Annual Nancy McDaniel Lectureship on Women in Leadership


The Department of Pediatrics invites you to the Second Annual Nancy McDaniel Lectureship on Women in Leadership Keynote: “Work-Life Harmony: Composing a life that works with a life that counts…

Date: Apr 17, 2023 - Apr 17, 2023

Start Time: 4:00 pm

End Time: 5:00 pm