
Call for Nominations: Dean’s Faculty Awards


Please consider nominating a colleague for one or more of the Dean’s Faculty Awards. Note two changes for the 2023 awards submission cycle: 1. A nomination packet submission portal will…

Academy for Excellence in Education Membership Applications Due April 30


The Academy for Excellence in Education is pleased to announce the Spring Call for membership applications for the 2022-2023 academic year. The AEE was founded to create an inclusive learning…

Leadership in Academic Matters Spring 2023 Cohort Graduates


Please join us in congratulating the graduates of the Leadership in Academic Matters (LAM) spring 2023 program! Their final program was Monday, April 24. Spring 2023 Cohort Anja Katrin Bielinsky,…

Lois Shepherd, JD, Joins United Network for Organ Sharing Ethics Committee


Lois Shepherd, JD, the Wallenborn Professor of Biomedical Ethics at the School of Medicine’s Center for Health Humanities and Ethics and a Professor of Law and Public Health Sciences, was…

Jaclyn Surles Shepard, PsyD, Elected to the Board of the Council of Clinical Health Psychology Training Programs


Associate Professor Jaclyn Surles Shepard, PsyD, in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences, has been elected to the Board of the Council of Clinical Health Psychology Training Programs. Dr.…

Heather Bruschwein, PsyD, Receives 2023 Outstanding Early Career Psychologists Contributions Award


Heather Bruschwein, PsyD, ABPP, was presented the 2023 Outstanding Early Career Psychologists Contributions Award by the Association of Psychologists in Academic Health Centers (APAHC) at their bi-annual conference in Louisville,…

U.S. News and World Report Releases Graduate School Rankings with Plans to Release Medical School Rankings Later


Dear Colleagues, U.S. News & World Report (USNWR) released its 2023-2024 "Best Graduate Schools" rankings. However, due to an unprecedented number of inquiries from schools during their initial embargo period and…

Elisa R. Trowbridge, MD, and Colleagues Author Pelvic Floor Health Guide


Elisa R. Trowbridge, MD, an associate professor in the Department of OB-GYN, Division of Urogynecology and Pelvic Reconstructive Medicine, was a contributing author to the book Pelvic Floor Health: Your…