Congratulations and a big thank you to all those who participated in the first annual 6 Minute March Madness Walk to benefit the Charlottesville Free Clinic, both walkers and wagers!…
First Round 6 Minute Walk Photos
In the first week of March, back when our social interactions occurred in person, the UVA’s Department of Medicine held the first annual March Madness 6-minute Free Clinic Tournament. This…
Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Faculty Profile – John Kim
Tell us a little bit about yourself. I’ve been at UVA starting in September 2019 and came from New York City. I went to Johns Hopkins University for college and…
Notable Achievements – March 2020
Congratulations to the faculty below who have been awarded the 2020 School of Medicine Medical Education Fellowships (total of $100,000) for their innovative proposals! We had a strong pool of…
DoM Medicine Matters Newsletter – March 2020
The March 2020 Medicine Matters Newsletter features the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care. We welcome your feedback and continued updates, which can be sent to: Kim Kelley-Wagner at
Pulmonary and Critical Care Division Chief Message – March 2020
As I complete my second year as chief of the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at the University of Virginia, I continue to feel inspired by our faculty.…