February is Heart Month, and our featured division, Cardiovascular Medicine, is on the frontlines of both heart research and cardiac care. A 2015 addition to our CV faculty, Matt Wolf, MD,…
CV’s Ellen Keeley Chosen by UVA Residents for American College of Physicians Teaching Award
Ellen Keeley, MD, an associate professor in the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, has been selected by the UVA internal medicine residents for a 2016 American College of Physicians (ACP) academic teaching award.…
Allison Lyons Receives 2016 Innovation Grant From AAIM
General Medicine faculty member Elizabeth A. ("Allison") Lyons, MD, was awarded a 2016 innovation grant from the Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine (AAIM), for her project entitled “Improving efficiency of resident handoffs through…
Heart to Heart: UVA’s Dominican Republic Heart Mission is 8 Years Old — and Going Strong
Strep throat is a common childhood ailment here in the U.S. -- but its potentially deadly consequence, rheumatic fever, is much less so, thanks to the widespread use of antibiotics…
Walid El-Nahal, MD, IM Resident (PGY-1)
I was born in Maryland and lived in Bowie for the first eight years of my life. My family and I then moved to Egypt (where my parents are originally…
“Teaching Wisdom” to Medical Students: The Phronesis Project
Peggy Plews-Ogan, MD, a faculty member in the Division of General, Geriatric, Palliative & Hospital Medicine, has a long-standing interest in the role of wisdom in medicine — including authoring…