
Medicine Matters

News from the UVa Department of Medicine

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Pulmonary Research Staff Profile – Pei-Chi Hou

Tell us a little bit about yourself. I grew up and was educated in Taiwan, completing my Ph.D. in molecular and cell biology at the Institute of Basic Medical Sciences…

DoM Medicine Matters Newsletter – March 2019

PLEASE CLICK ON IMAGE TO OPEN FULL ISSUE OF THE MARCH NEWSLETTER We welcome your feedback and continued updates, which can be sent to:

New Clinical Trials Opening in Hematology/Oncology

Genitourinary Oncology Primary Dreicer, Robert CRC: Drake, Jennifer 19-20484 PHAR B-701_U22 Stages: Any/all CT.GOV ID: NCT03123055   A Multi-Center, Single-Arm, Open-Label Phase 1b/2 Study of a Novel FGFR3 Inhibitor (B-701)…

Endocrinology and Metabolism Faculty and Fellows Update

Christopher McCartney, MD, is the current Chair of the Endocrine Society’s Clinical Guidelines Committee (term 2018-2021) and President of the Association of Program Directors in Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism (term…


Robert M. Carey, MD, MACP, FRCPI, FAHA, Dean, Emeritus, and Professor of Medicine, served as Co-chair of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Writing Committee on the Prevention, Detection, Evaluation…

Endocrinology and Metabolism Research

2018 was prosperous for the Division’s research program. In FY2018, our investigators received an excess of $10M in external awards. We have internationally recognized research programs in the areas of diabetes…