
Pulmonary Faculty Profile – Shwu-Fan Ma

Why research?

I started working on translational research after I obtained my Master degree in Plant Physiology in 1988. I loved this field because the results and findings from my research held therapeutic promise for patients. Over time, I realized that patient participation and consent to biospecimens and clinical data collection is the foundation of my research, and I hold a deep appreciation for all the patients who made research in this field possible.

What brought you to Charlottesville?

I was recruited by the Division Chief of Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine from University of Chicago in May 2018 after 13 years. It is quite an adjustment transitioning from city life to a small town. Weather and traffic were my two biggest incentives. Prior to Chicago, I had worked at Johns Hopkins University for 5 years and enjoyed having four seasons a year; Charlottesville brings back those memories. I hope my husband’s business can be transited smoothly from Chicago to Charlottesville in the near future so that we can explore outdoor activities together.

What excites you about your work?

Learning something new. There are publications with new findings in research fields every day.

Proudest/greatest achievement outside the professional realm?

Getting married and having children. It wasn’t easy raising two boys while I was working on my PhD and husband was working out of the country. I am thankful to my parents for being there when I needed them and I am thankful to all the friends then who have become my extended family now; my children would not have been brought up the same. Both of my boys are starting their new chapter in life after graduation from medical school and college this May and I could not be prouder.

What are you usually doing in your spare time?

Since I started participating in the BeWell program at UVA, I have been working hard to achieve the goals I set for myself. I walk at least 7000 steps a day and do yoga, meditation, or volunteer at the Paramount Theater at least three to four times a week. I would like to do more gardening once I settle down more in Charlottesville.

How did you meet your partner?

My husband and I were classmates in college. We dated for 9 years before we got married. It is always good to marry to your best friend.

Favorite vacation/activity spot?

I prioritize who I am vacationing over where. I am happy to just stay home with my parents every day when I am back in Taiwan to visiting them. I am also happy when my kids come home from their breaks and the whole family goes out to eat or watches movies together.

Most admired person, and why?

My PhD adviser who passed away in 2007. I met him in Taiwan while he was an invited speaker in an international meeting. He changed my life when he brought me to the United States as an exchanged scholar and then as a graduate student. My most cherished memory of him was the great chemistry we had when I taught him Mandarin.

Best advice anyone ever gave you?

Patience is a virtue.

What about you would surprise us?

I can go without speaking at all for an entire day if I do not have to.


Filed Under: News and Notes

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